17 entities have formed the BAIC Association (Basque Artificial Intellegence Center)
17 entidades han constituido la Asociación BAIC (Basque Artificial Intelligence Center), el Centro Vasco de Inteligencia Artificial.
17 erakundek sortu dute BAIC (Basque Artificial Intelligence Center) Elkartea, Adimen Artifizialeko Euskal Zentroa.
- Espreski sortu da Euskadin Adimen Artifizialaren garapena gidatu eta bultzatzeko.
- Nace para liderar e impulsar el desarrollo de la Inteligencia Artificial en Euskadi.
- The objective of this Organization is to lead and promote the development of Artificial Intelligence in the Basque Country.
BAIC Association is the communications and external projection tool created to share, broadcast, and spread good news, articles, studies and reports, interviews, and other informative content of interest in the international arena.
It is a collaborative initiative developed by a group of social entities and private organizations concerned about disseminating valuable information and the very values of the Basque people.
+ INFO: SPRI.eus