Cristina Oyón has led the international group of experts who have prepared the report that will be released on the 20th and 21st during the World Manufacturing Week, which can be followed online free of charge with prior registration.
Cristina Oyón ha liderado el grupo internacional de personas expertas que ha elaborado el informe que se dará a conocer los días 20 y 21 en el marco de la World Manufacturing Week, que se podrá seguir vía online de forma gratuita previa inscripción
The report stresses that increasing the presence of women in business is not only a human rights issue, but a fundamental issue to ensure competitiveness and economic recovery.
The SPRI Group will present at the World Manufacturing Forum to be held on October 20 and 21 in Como (Italy) the transformative actions to advance the presence of women in the manufacturing industry. For this and for the second consecutive year, Cristina Oyón, Director of Technology, Innovation and Sustainability of the SPRI Group, has led the group of experts “Women in Manufacturing” in the framework of the project “Back to the Future: emerging topics for long term resilience in manufacturing” of the World Manufacturing Foundation.
Thus, these actions to enhance the presence of women in the industry will be announced at the World Manufacturing Forum event to be held on October 20 and 21 in the Italian city of Como, and can be followed online free of charge with prior registration.
The international group “Women in Manufacturing” is made up of 20 experts from different areas of expertise (international organizations such as UNIDO, IndustriAll, IPAG and EFFRA, academia, private companies and public administration). The meeting held this week in Milan focused on analyzing the main challenges facing the manufacturing industry to ensure greater participation, recognition and leadership of women in the industry.
“The presence of women is essential to ensure competitiveness and economic recovery.”
The group led by Cristina Oyón has drawn up a report based on a series of data that call for action by the manufacturing industry as a whole and that demonstrate the importance of incorporating female talent into the industry.
This report shows how increasing the presence of women in companies is no longer just a human rights issue, but a fundamental issue to ensure competitiveness and economic recovery: in fact, it indicates that, if industry acts now, by 2050, improving gender equality will mean an increase in EU GDP per capita of between 6.1 and 9.6%, equivalent to between 1.95 and 3.15 trillion euros.
The report highlights the need to undertake a cultural transformation in the industry as a whole to strengthen the role of women in access, promotion and leadership in high value-added manufacturing. To achieve this change, the Women in Manufacturing Expert Group proposes to work on the following three pillars:
- Improve and develop the collection of data that will enable research on the situation of women in the industry.
- Promote an attractive manufacturing activity for women, based on technology, innovation and sustainability that generates economic, social and environmental value.
- Make visible the involvement in the industrial activity of leading women who inspire and accompany young women to become part of the industry.
To this end, the report includes 8 “actions to change the rules of the game” to be developed with the participation of governments, international organizations, industry and industry associations, universities and educational centers.
Event in Como on October 20-21
The group’s recommendations will be presented during the World Manufacturing Forum on October 20-21 at Lake Como, Italy. The event will be attended by the following people, who will reflect on the participation and recognition of women in a new manufacturing industry that generates economic, social and environmental value:
- Cristina Oyón, director of Technology, Innovation, and Sustainability at SPRI Group.
- Zeljko Pazin, executive director of European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA).
- Rhonda Barnet, president and COO of AVIT Manufacturing and founder of Canada’s Women in Manufacturing.
- Cecilia Ugaz, Director of the Office of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
- Alina Sorgner, associate professor at John Cabot University in Rome and research associate at the Institutes of World Economics (IfW Kiel) and Labor (IZA).
- Judith Kirton-Darling, Deputy General Secretary of the IndustriAll union federation.
- Luciana Ciceri, CEO of Ciceri de Mondel.

El informe destaca que aumentar la presencia de la mujer en las empresas no es sólo una cuestión de derechos humanos, sino una cuestión fundamental para garantizar la competitividad y la recuperación económica
El Grupo SPRI presentará en el World Manufacturing Forum que se celebra los días 20 y 21 de octubre en Como (Italia) las acciones transformadoras para avanzar en la presencia de la mujer en la industria manufacturera. Para ello y por segundo año consecutivo, Cristina Oyón, directora de Tecnología, Innovación y Sostenibilidad del Grupo SPRI, ha liderado el grupo de personas expertas “Women in Manufacturing” en el marco del proyecto “Back to the Future: emerging topics for long term resilience in manufacturing” de la World Manufacturing Foundation.
Así, estas acciones para potenciar la presencia de la mujer en la industria se darán a conocer en el evento World Manufacturing Forum que tendrá lugar los próximos 20 y 21 de octubre en la ciudad italiana de Como, y se podrá seguir vía online de forma gratuita previa inscripción.
El grupo internacional “Women in Manufacturing”, está formado por 20 personas expertas de diferentes áreas de especialización (organismos internacionales tales como UNIDO, IndustriAll, IPAG y EFFRA, el ámbito universitario, empresas privadas y la administración pública). La reunión celebra esta semana en Milán se ha centrado en analizar los principales retos a los que se enfrenta la industria manufacturera para garantizar una mayor participación, reconocimiento y liderazgo de la mujer en la industria.
“La presencia de la mujer es fundamental para garantizar la competitividad y la recuperación económica”
El grupo liderado por Cristina Oyón ha elaborado un informe a partir de una serie de datos que instan a actuar al conjunto de la industria manufacturera y que evidencian la trascendencia de incorporar el talento femenino a la industria.
Dicho informe muestra cómo el aumento de la presencia de mujeres en las empresas ya no es sólo una cuestión de derechos humanos, sino una cuestión fundamental para garantizar la competitividad y la recuperación económica: de hecho, se indica que, si la industria actúa ya, para 2050, la mejora de la igualdad de género supondrá un aumento del PIB per cápita de la UE de entre el 6,1 y el 9,6%, lo que equivale a entre 1,95 y 3,15 billones de euros.
El informe visibiliza la necesidad de acometer una transformación cultural en el conjunto de la industria que refuerce el papel de las mujeres en el acceso, la promoción y el liderazgo en la industria manufacturera de alto valor añadido. Para lograr este cambio, el Women in Manufacturing Expert Group propone trabajar sobre los siguientes tres pilares:
- Mejorar y desarrollar la recogida de datos que permitan realizar investigación sobre la situación de la mujer en la industria.
- Promocionar una actividad manufacturera atractiva para las mujeres, basada en tecnología, innovación y sostenibilidad que genera valor económico, social y medioambiental
- Visibilizar la involucración en la actividad industrial de mujeres referentes que inspiren y acompañen a mujeres jóvenes para que sean parte de la industria.
Para ello, el informe recoge 8 “acciones para cambiar las reglas del juego” a desarrollar con la participación de gobiernos, organismos internacionales, industria y asociaciones industriales, universidades y centros educativos.