During its International Meeting 2024, the Basque company LANTEK revealed its fiscal 2023/24 results, achieving a record revenue of €36.1 million. The company’s global presence remains one of its key strengths and a crucial area for expansion, as it aims to continue delivering top quality service in new markets throughout 2025 Lantek multinational company, a…
Tag: AI
Artificial Intelligence International Basque Forum
The AI International Basque Forum is a unique event that brings together international experts in artificial intelligence on 24 and 25 September 2024 in Bilbao to promote the transformation of Basque companies, thanks to AI tools, as a source of competitive advantage in a scenario of technological change. The congress combines high-level conferences with seminars in which…
BAIC: Basque Artificial Intelligence Center / Centro Vasco de Inteligencia Artificial / Adimen Artifizialeko Euskal Zentroa
17 entities have formed the BAIC Association (Basque Artificial Intellegence Center) 17 entidades han constituido la Asociación BAIC (Basque Artificial Intelligence Center), el Centro Vasco de Inteligencia Artificial. 17 erakundek sortu dute BAIC (Basque Artificial Intelligence Center) Elkartea, Adimen Artifizialeko Euskal Zentroa. Espreski sortu da Euskadin Adimen Artifizialaren garapena gidatu eta bultzatzeko. Nace para liderar…