During its International Meeting 2024, the Basque company LANTEK revealed its fiscal 2023/24 results, achieving a record revenue of €36.1 million. The company’s global presence remains one of its key strengths and a crucial area for expansion, as it aims to continue delivering top quality service in new markets throughout 2025 Lantek multinational company, a…
Tag: France
25 entreprises innovantes de la région Nouvelle-Aquitaine se sont fait connaître à VivaTechnology
VivaTechnology, le premier salon européen des technologies, a ouvert ses portes à Paris le 14 juin. La région Nouvelle-Aquitaine a accueilli 25 start-ups sur un stand collectif de plus de 100 m², dont quelques entreprises basco-françaises. Par ailleurs, le pavillon régional a accueilli pour la première fois l’Eurorégion Nouvelle-Aquitaine Euskadi Navarra et certaines de ses…
Euskal pilota: The Basque Country’s centuries-old ball games / los ancestrales juegos de pelota del País Vasco
These beloved wall sports are considered to be the descendants of a 17th-Century game and the direct ancestors of tennis, squash and racket ball.
Izar increased its sales by 24% in the French market in 2021 / Izar elevó sus ventas un 24% en el mercado francés en 2021
Leading supplier of cutting tools, the Basque manufacturer is a leader in the Spanish market and holds privileged positions in its natural market area in countries such as France and Portugal.
Ginkgo Biloba: the health startup center in Iparralde / el centro de startups para la Salud en Iparralde
Aguiléra (Biarritz), Belharra (Baiona) and Jean Le Bon (Dax) clinics join forces to promote an incubator for innovative companies.
Euskadi-Basque Country opens a new delegation in France / abre una nueva delegación en Francia
Currently, the main Basque relations with France cover a wide range of sectors: cultural, linguistic, economic, industrial or communications.