The Lehendakari (president) of the Basque Government, Imanol Pradales, has presented the ‘Euskadi Globala’ (Global Euskadi) strategy to prepare the country for the international challenges of the future: ‘We must go from being a country that goes abroad to a country that plays abroad. We must go from being a country that goes out into…
Tag: internacionalización
The Basque Country now has a Foreign Network Office in Tokyo / Euskadi cuenta ya con una oficina de la Red Exterior en Tokio
Basque companies will be able to access new business opportunities through this new service of the Basque Internationalization Agency of the SPRI Group.
The Basque President and Japanese Ambassador agree to develop Basque Country-Japan initiative / El Lehendakari y el Embajador japonés acuerdan desarollar la iniciativa Euskadi-Japón
The Basque president Iñigo Urkullu, accompanied by the Secretary General for External Action, Marian Elorza, met this morning with the Ambassador of Japan, Kenji Hiramatsu
Basque Trade organizes a conference on business opportunities for Basque companies in Japan / organiza una jornada sobre las oportunidades de negocio en Japón para las empresas vascas
Automotive, consumer electronics, renewable energies and machine tools, main sectors for investments
Select USA, Basque Trade & Investment: brings business opportunities in eight U.S. states to Basque companies / acerca oportunidades de negocio de ocho estados estadounidenses a la empresa vasca
The event, which brought together some thirty companies, as well as representatives of several clusters, was aimed in particular at the energy and advanced manufacturing sectors.
Euskadi Basque Country 2025: the Basque Government presents its strategy to the diplomatic corps / El Gobierno Vasco presenta al cuerpo diplomático su estrategia
Officials of the General Secretariat for External Action of the Basque Government have held a telematic meeting with representatives of Embassies of several countries, to present the Framework Strategy for Internationalization – Euskadi Basque Country 2025. Responsables de la Secretaria General de Acción Exterior del Gobierno Vasco han mantenido un encuentro telemático con representantes de Embajadas…
Izar increased its sales by 24% in the French market in 2021 / Izar elevó sus ventas un 24% en el mercado francés en 2021
Leading supplier of cutting tools, the Basque manufacturer is a leader in the Spanish market and holds privileged positions in its natural market area in countries such as France and Portugal.
Euskadi-Basque Country opens a new delegation in France / abre una nueva delegación en Francia
Currently, the main Basque relations with France cover a wide range of sectors: cultural, linguistic, economic, industrial or communications.
To face the challenges of the future, The Basque Government approves its new Euskadi Basque Country 2025 Strategy / Estrategia Euskadi Basque Country 2025 para hacer frente a los futuros retos
The Governing Council has also given the green light to the External Action Plan for the current legislature.
Fastenex: a key factor in the export of fasteners and fastening sector / factor clave en la exportación del sector de tornillería y fijación
This consortium serves as the export department of four companies in the sector.