The Bergara-based company, specialized in the cold stamping of steel wire rod, has received a grant from the Innobideak program of the SPRI Group.
Tag: Grupo SPRI
SPRI Group presents at the World Manufacturing Forum: the transformative actions to advance the presence of women in the manufacturing industry / las acciones transformadoras para avanzar en la presencia de la mujer en la industria manufacturera
Cristina Oyón has led the international group of experts who have prepared the report that will be released on the 20th and 21st during the World Manufacturing Week, which can be followed online free of charge with prior registration.
772 startups de más de 80 países se inscriben a la sexta edición de BIND 4.0 / 772 start-ups from more than 80 countries enrol in the sixth edition of BIND 4.0
Las 65 empresas partner de BIND 4.0 serán las encargadas de seleccionar a los participantes, que se darán a conocer en enero de 2022.