The Basque Government has marked the 7ty International Day of the Basque Diaspora in Oñati (a cultural reference village in the Basque Country),
Tag: Lehendakari
The Basque Country aspires to position itself among the top four European countries in energy efficiency / Euskadi aspira a posicionarse entre los cuatro primeros países europeos en eficiencia energética
The Lehendakari attended the laying of the first stone of the Decarbonization Hub, located in the Port of Bilbao, promoted by Petronor / Repsol.
The Basque Premier presents the Basque self-government model at the Corsican Assembly / El Lehendakari presenta el modelo de autogobierno vasco en la Asamblea corsa
On the first day of his official visit to Corsica, the Basque Premier met with a broad representation of the various Corsican public institutions and civil society.
Basque Premier’s trip to Corsica at the end of May / Viaje del Lehendakari a Córcega a finales del mes de mayo
The Basque Premier, Iñigo Urkullu, will resume his international agenda after more than two years without traveling abroad due to the pandemic, with the official visit he will make at the end of May to Corsica. On this occasion he will be accompanied by the Secretary General for External Action, Marian Elorza, and the Director of European Affairs, Mikel Anton.
The Basque Government takes over the Presidency of the Working Community of the Pyrenees (CTP) / El Gobierno Vasco preside la Comunidad de Trabajo de los Pirineos (CTP)
The President of the Basque Country advocates relaunching the general priorities of the TCO: improving the quality of life and social cohesion; participating in the new stage of the European Union; and trying to turn the challenges of climate change and digital transformation into an opportunity.
The president of the Basque Country confirms the commitment to a “social, competitive, open, supportive and sustainable Europe; a political, democratic and diverse Europe” / El Lehendakari ratifica la apuesta de Euskadi por una Europa “social, competitiva, abierta, solidaria y sostenible; una Europa política, democrática y plural”
Iñigo Urkullu is meeting the 21 European Union member state diplomatic corps representatives accredited in Madrid and advocating for the importance of sharing a diagnosis, defining a shared future, dialogue and reaching agreement