Seenapse is an online application that uses the synergy between artificial intelligence and ‘lateral thinking’ (a skill that allows you to find novel solutions to problems in a creative way), with the aim of improving the creativity of professionals. “Seenapse provides interesting and surprising ideas that point to many different creative directions, inspired by human…
Tag: Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence International Basque Forum
The AI International Basque Forum is a unique event that brings together international experts in artificial intelligence on 24 and 25 September 2024 in Bilbao to promote the transformation of Basque companies, thanks to AI tools, as a source of competitive advantage in a scenario of technological change. The congress combines high-level conferences with seminars in which…
TECNALIA and FERSA Bearings join forces to implement Industry 5.0 in their European plants
European bearings manufacturer. FERSA, and the largest technology center in Southern Europe, TECNALIA, will collaborate in the automation and digitalisation of plants, through the implementation of flexible robotics and artificial intelligence as well as in the development of solutions for advanced materials. The European bearings manufacturer FERSA and the applied research and technological development centre…
Basque Open Industry projects the technological and industrial ecosystem to Europe.
“Euskadi – Basque Country” showcases the region’s economic potential as well as the innovation of its entrepreneurs in fields such as microelectronics, advanced machinery, energy, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. With the active participation of 2,300 members of the industrial and technological ecosystem, Basque Open Industry has brought together the most cutting-edge Basque industry at the…
The Country Pact for Equality celebrates its anniversary by reflecting on how to mainstream gender in the technological world
The conference “Is feminist Artificial Intelligence possible?” was held in live podcast format. The Regional Minister for Equality announced that the International Conference “Equality, Science and Technology. For a change of paradigm” organised by Emakunde. Last June, the conference “Is a feminist Artificial Intelligence possible?” was held in a live podcast format, where the importance…
The teacher from BILBAO Jon Barrueco, awarded for an artificial intelligence project against bullying
The 16th edition of the Quality Innovation Award (QIA) has given the award to the initiative, named BucovIA, in the education category. The project is developed jointly by the Somorrostro Training Center, Nazaret de Donostia-San Sebastián and the Zabálburu school in Bilbao. Jon Barrueco Gutiérrez, a professor and researcher from Barakaldo, who works at the…
Elhuyar presents Orai, the artificial intelligence that facilitates communication / Elhuyar presenta Orai, la inteligencia artificial que facilita la comunicación
Orai is born to help industry and companies to be more competitive through artificial intelligence Nace Orai para ayudar a que la industria y las empresas sean más competitivas a través de la inteligencia artificial Elhuyar presented the 24th of may at the Kursaal in San Sebastian its new artificial intelligence initiative: Orai NLP Teknologiak….
Basque Artificial Intelligence Center (BAIC) and IndesIA: join forces to boost the application of artificial intelligence in industry / se alían para impulsar la aplicación de la inteligencia artificial en la industria
The president of BAIC, Arantxa Tapia, and the president of IndesIA, Valero Marín, have signed today a memorandum to promote the competitive improvement of companies, based on the development of the data economy and artificial intelligence.
772 startups de más de 80 países se inscriben a la sexta edición de BIND 4.0 / 772 start-ups from more than 80 countries enrol in the sixth edition of BIND 4.0
Las 65 empresas partner de BIND 4.0 serán las encargadas de seleccionar a los participantes, que se darán a conocer en enero de 2022.
BAIC: Basque Artificial Intelligence Center / Centro Vasco de Inteligencia Artificial / Adimen Artifizialeko Euskal Zentroa
17 entities have formed the BAIC Association (Basque Artificial Intellegence Center) 17 entidades han constituido la Asociación BAIC (Basque Artificial Intelligence Center), el Centro Vasco de Inteligencia Artificial. 17 erakundek sortu dute BAIC (Basque Artificial Intelligence Center) Elkartea, Adimen Artifizialeko Euskal Zentroa. Espreski sortu da Euskadin Adimen Artifizialaren garapena gidatu eta bultzatzeko. Nace para liderar…