Govtech poses 6 institutional challenges to develop projects in collaboration with public administrations in the Basque Country, such as EJIE, SPRI, EVE, Ihobe, Parke and Hazi. The 28 SME Connection SMEs launch 11 challenges in the areas of machine tools, the environment, food, design and equipment, and construction. The open innovation platform, BIND 4.0, opens…
Tag: Startup
UP! Euskadi, la plataforma interactiva para proyectar el Ecosistema tecnológico e innovador vasco
UP! Euskadi, the interactive platform to project the Basque technological and innovative Ecosystem Basada en una innovadora tecnología con ingeniería de datos y machine learning, Up!Euskadi aporta valiosa información de valor, aportando visibilidad a las startups y a todos los agentes del Ecosistema. Euskadi se presenta así al mundo como un importante Hub de emprendimiento avanzado. Based…
Nowports, a Latin American logistics startup, to begin operations in Bilbao / startup latinoamericana de logística, iniciará sus actividades en Bilbao
The company allows importers and exporters to directly ship goods through its platform, while obtaining financing and insurance.
Alerion: “We want to have a relevant position on an international level” / “Queremos tener una posición más relevante a nivel internacional”
The company from San Sebastian was awarded two prizes at the last South Summit and has just announced an agreement with the Entrepreneurs Fund of the Repsol Foundation.
772 startups de más de 80 países se inscriben a la sexta edición de BIND 4.0 / 772 start-ups from more than 80 countries enrol in the sixth edition of BIND 4.0
Las 65 empresas partner de BIND 4.0 serán las encargadas de seleccionar a los participantes, que se darán a conocer en enero de 2022.
‘The Future Game’: dando voz a la juventud para imaginar el futuro / giving a voice to the youth to imagine the future
¿Cómo quieres que sea el futuro…? Ésa es la pregunta que plantea The Future Game a las nuevas generaciones de jóvenes, invitándoles a participar en la creación de iniciativas que generen un impacto social positivo.
ScrapAd: Un millón de euros para impulsar la expansión de a países clave / One million euros to promote the expansion to key countries
La startup vasca, creada en 2020 y con presencia en más de 40 países, se especializa en contactar compradores y vendedores de material reciclable. Con el capital conseguido afrontará un importante plan de crecimiento.
Cyber Human Systems, a Biscay start-up, launches line of lightweight exoskeletons
Lightweight exoskeletons helping workers to reduce ‘typical injuries’ of repetitive industry work. The Biscay start-up has developed a line of lightweight exoskeletons in order to prevent occupational hazards within the industrial field caused by repetitive movements. The origins of this exoskeleton come from the demand for a solution to the high rate of occupational hazards…
Iberdrola: accelerated its investment in smart grids in the Basque Country
Iberdrola S A : accelerated its investment in smart grids in the Basque Country to 144 million over the last 18 months, 50 % more than in the 2017-2019 three-year period. Maintaining its commitment to developing the infrastructure essential for the energy transition, as Ignacio Galán stated at the first meeting of the company’s management…
Culinary Action! On the Road: Madrid, Biarritz, Copenhage and Tel-Aviv
Culinary Action! On the Road “roadshow” aimed at foodtech start-ups and the Gastronomy 360º field. Culinary Action! On the Road, “roadshow” dirigidos a startups foodtech y del ámbito Gastronomía 360º. Culinary Action! On the Road, foodtech eta 360º-ko Elikadurari lotutako startupei zuzendutako “roadshow”-a. Culinary Action! On the Road,’ the new initiative of the Basque Culinary Center…