The Mondragon Unibertsitatea’s medium voltage laboratory, which will be the only one of its kind in Spain and a European leader, is scheduled to open in December of this year Se prevé la inauguraci´ón del laboratorio de media tensión de Mondragon Unibertsitatea que será único en el Estado y líder europeo, en diciembre de este…
Tag: Mondragon University
12 entities from 6 countries seek innovative energy storage solutions / 12 entidades de 6 países buscan soluciones innovadoras para almacenar energía
Mondragon University organizes the first face-to-face meeting of the European project iSTORMY to improve the performance of the electrical grids of the future.
MTA-Mondragon Unibersitatea: The Innovative Entrepreneurship Model is exhibited this week at the Dubai World Expo as a success story / El Modelo de Emprendimiento Innovador se expone esta semana en la Exposición Universal de Dubái como caso de éxito
Mondragon Team Academy has been invited by the High Commissioner of Spain to participate in the Entrepreneurial Nation Summit to be hosted by the Spanish Pavilion in Dubai.
Basque participation in the XXXIII World Cooperative Congress in Seoul / Participación vasca en el XXXIII Congreso Mundial Cooperativo de Seul
Last December, the XXXIII World Cooperative Congress was held in South Korea.
“Organize Locally to Respond Globally,” the Second International UniverCity Conference will be held in Bilbao / Se celebra en Bilbao la II jornada internacional UniverCity
The congress will be attended, among others, by Otto Scharmer, creator of the Theory U. The events will take place at Bilbao AS Fabrik.