The Lehendakari of the Basque Government, Iñigo Urkullu, laid the foundation stone of the MERLIN Properties data centre in ‘Arasur’. El Lehendakari del Gobierno Vasco, Iñigo Urkullu, colocó el lunes en ‘Arasur’ la primera piedra del centro de datos de MERLIN Properties. The Lehendakari stated that “this is a great investment for the future because…
Tag: Empresas
‘Trebeki’ featured among the 16 leading Business Development firms of the Basque Country
An article published by Tenner Smith, a reporter for Daily Finance with specializing in financial intelligence and AI, highlights the top picks for the best Business Development companies of the Basque Country, appearing among them, Trebeki.
Observatorio Internacional / Nazioarteko Behatokia / International Observatory (Julio·Uztaila·July 2021)
New edition of the International Observatory with analysis of the main geopolitical and economic events