Govtech poses 6 institutional challenges to develop projects in collaboration with public administrations in the Basque Country, such as EJIE, SPRI, EVE, Ihobe, Parke and Hazi. The 28 SME Connection SMEs launch 11 challenges in the areas of machine tools, the environment, food, design and equipment, and construction. The open innovation platform, BIND 4.0, opens…
Tag: BIND 4.0
55 startups to meet the new technological challenges of 22 Basque industrial SMEs / 55 startups para dar respuesta a los nuevos retos tecnológicos de 22 pymes industriales vascas
A total of 55 startups have been selected to respond to the new technological challenges posed by 22 industrial SMEs, belonging to the automotive, energy, environment and advanced manufacturing clusters.
BIND 4.0: The 65 partner companies choose 79 startups as finalists / Las 65 empresas partner eligen 79 startups como finalistas
28 of those selected are from the Basque Country, 19 are Spanish and 32 are international.
The BIND 4.0 Initiative: to encourage the digitalization of Basque SMEs / para impulsar la digitalización de pymes vascas: SME Connection
A new public-private initiative in collaboration with industry clusters and different reference SMEs in the Basque Country.
772 startups de más de 80 países se inscriben a la sexta edición de BIND 4.0 / 772 start-ups from more than 80 countries enrol in the sixth edition of BIND 4.0
Las 65 empresas partner de BIND 4.0 serán las encargadas de seleccionar a los participantes, que se darán a conocer en enero de 2022.